
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ordinary Time

from my Caring Bridge post on Sunday September 18, 2011 ~

This is the Lord's Day! I went to St. Elizabeth's Catholic Church with Linda, Mike and Thomas this morning. Wearing his long white robe and a bandanna with stars, Thomas was an altar server today. He takes his service very seriously and finds deep satisfaction as evidenced by his expressions

This is the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time. "Ordinary Time" is all the time during the liturgical year, excluding the season of Advent (Christmas through Epiphany) and Lent (Ash Wednesday through Pentecost). I always forget about this phrase but like the image evoked, because we all live most of our lives in ordinary time.

After the reading of the Scriptures from the Old Testament and the New Testament, familiar words are spoken: The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. However, before the reading from The Gospel the response is different: A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew. Glory to You, Lord. I like the reply of the people: Glory to You, Lord.

As is custom, the Lord's Prayer is sung in community. The ending words were my soul's valediction: For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are Yours, now and forever. During communion, these words from the song echoed over and over in my heart as my prayers of thanksgiving were laid on the altar: All my being, bless the Lord, remembering the goodness of God.

The last song sung was one I had never heard but the words spoke to the core of this journey we must take. It does not feel like it, but we are walking in ordinary time, despite extraordinary circumstances. This journey is not unlike our faith journey, mostly lived out in ordinary time, always seeking an extraordinary Savior. Read the words to the song Enter the Journey and follow the vision, carry the cross.

  Enter the journey, come to the song.
By God you are chosen, by name you are called
To follow the vision, carry the cross.
Enter the journey of faith as the family of God.

Enter the journey, the way may be long.

Enter the journey, yet we are made strong.

God's Spirit will guide us, God's gifts will unfold.

Enter the journey of hope!

Enter the journey, though lost and unsure.

Enter the journey, God's peace will be yours.

And all who are thirsting will be filled with God's grace.

Enter the journey of faith!

Enter the journey, dark is the way.

Enter the journey, do not be afraid.

For God's great compassion will give you new sight.

Enter the journey of light!

Enter the journey, the old and the young.

Enter the journey, the kingdom is won.

By faith now united, as servants we come.

Enter the journey of love!

(by Mark Friedman and Janet Vogt)

Glory to You, Lord! ~dho
you can follow the journey of Thomas as he fights brain cancer:

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