
Friday, July 12, 2013

Glorious Friendship - Series on Friendship

For since our friendship with God was restored by the death of His Son while we were still His enemies, we will certainly be saved through the life of His Son. Romans 5:10 NLT

In Scripture the terms justification, atonement, and reconciliation describe "a change" or a change "from enmity to friendship"(NKJV Study Bible). Reconciliation marks the ending of a hostile relationship and a beginning of a spiritual transformation through Grace. The words "friendship" and "saved" in this verse refer to reconciliation, from the Greek word katallage. Through Christ, one can acknowledge the need to change, can repent from sinful ways. At the same moment, God's relationship with the sinner changes; God declares the Believer, once the enemy, to be righteous. Reconciliation incorporates grace into the language of friendship.

Blessings fall on the sinner who professes faith in Christ, the sinner who finds restoration with God. The redeeming love of Christ blesses each Believer with the promise of an eternal and glorious friendship with God, but there is MORE! With reconciliation comes inner peace, an awareness of God, greater hope, renewed confidence, abundant love. Unfortunately, this promise does not come with a guarantee of no troubles or trials; there will be suffering as long we live on the earth. Yet, even in these difficult times, the blessing of joy comes to God's friends. Within these opportunities to evidence faith, God reveals hope. 

Christ is the hope that brings reconciliation to any who would believe. Christ is the promise of eternal restoration with God. John MacArthur says, "Christ bore the full fury of God's wrath in the believing sinner's place." With Christ's death and resurrection, reconciliation merges with righteous living. So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God. (Romans 5:11 NLT) Embrace the resurrection life; embrace this glorious friendship! ~dho

With Christ's death and resurrection, reconciliation merges with righteous living. 
~ Donna Oswalt

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