
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Preparing for Easter ~ 2nd Sunday in Lent ~ God's Presence Beyond the Tabernacle

[Lord, You have been our dwelling place in all generations…from everlasting to everlasting  Psalm 90:1-2  

During this season of reflection and renewal, join me, and let's explore God’s Presence, our dwelling place. Are you dwelling in the presence of God? ~ Donna Howell Oswalt]

The soul’s deepest thirst is for God Himself,
Who has made us so that we can never be satisfied without Him.
F.F. Bruce

The LORD said, “You shall not build Me a house to dwell in. For I have not dwelt in a house since the time I brought up Israel, even to this day, but have gone from tent to tent, and from one tabernacle to another. . . And I have been with you wherever you have gone.” 1 Chronicles 17:4-14 NKJV

The LORD says about David, “You will be the shepherd of my people Israel. You will be their leader.” David makes a covenant with the leaders before God and is anointed king of Israel. After conquering the Philistines, the Ark of the Covenant is rescued and placed inside the special tent that David had prepared for it. David considers his lavish home and is greatly concerned about God dwelling in a tent! David desires to build God an appropriate dwelling place.

God doesn't want David to build a temple. God’s plan for David is to lead Israel, to conquer all its enemies, and develop unity among the people. God does not desire a warrior to build the Temple. His long term plan exceeds David’s vision: I will build a house for you – a dynasty of kings! Centuries later, Jesus, the Messiah, a direct descendant in David’s lineage, fulfills God’s promise, “I will establish Him in My House and in My kingdom forever.”  Crucified and risen, Christ reigns over this forever kingdom, now in heaven and later on earth. King of kings, I need You to be with me wherever I go. Your dwelling place far exceeds my grandest imagination, expands far beyond the walls of any Tabernacle, extends unmeasured grace and unfailing love, enlarges Your spiritual kingdom. Count me alive in Christ. Open my eyes to more. ~dho  

All rights reserved ~ used with permission of the author
Copyright 2014 by Donna Oswalt/Co-Founder of Mangrove Ministries/Christian blogger and author
Breathing Room For My Soul (blog) Follow on Twitter @soulchat

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“May you be blessed by the Lord Who loves you best!”

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