
Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Preparing for Easter ~ Place of Obedience

[Lord, You have been our dwelling place in all generations…from everlasting to everlasting  Psalm 90:1-2  
During this season of reflection and renewal, join me, and let's explore God’s Presence, our dwelling place.  Are you dwelling in the presence of God? ~ Donna Howell Oswalt]

“When they had brought them, they stood them before the Council. The high priest questioned them saying, “We gave you strict orders not to continue teaching in this name, and yet, you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and intend to bring this man’s blood upon us.” But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men.”

The first years of the church survive despite beatings and arrests of the apostles by the religious community. God’s power continually gives them boldness in teaching and preaching the Gospel of Jesus. The Holy Spirit empowers them to perform miracles of healing. Many people begin to believe, and the numbers of followers are increasing. While religious leaders repeatedly reject and slander and imprison the apostles, God keeps releasing them with renewed passion.

The apostles and these first disciples experience great personal risks in continuing to speak the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ. They are hated, ridiculed, and punished for their obedience to God. Lord, let me recognize the Spirit that dwells within me as I stand firm in my faith when others around me lie and cheat, as I kneel faithfully in reverence when others curse and mock Your name. Count me alive in Christ. I choose to obey You!  - dho 

All rights reserved ~ used with permission of the author
Copyright 2014 by Donna Oswalt/Co-Founder of Mangrove Ministries/Christian blogger and author
Breathing Room For My Soul (blog) Follow on Twitter @soulchat

For more information about this ministry visit ~

“May you be blessed by the Lord Who loves you best!”

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