
Friday, August 05, 2016

On Mission in MS! Part 2

Rollers and brushes and lots of strokes covered the walls throughout the morning. Conversations flowed easily into the empty room, a sharing of life experiences and campus life. I found myself thinking back to something Angela said last night, "Sometimes, even though so much is happening here, this can feel like a spiritual desert. You (Snyder team) may have thought you came to do painting and construction projects, but the refreshment of community you have brought to us is your greatest gift." 

Matt and Angela Morgan and their three children are missionaries. Although not in a foreign country, their obedience to God's call brings its own sacrifices. We listen as they share their call and experiences, disappointments and joys, hopes and realities. We hear the cost of discipleship and the immeasurable rewards. Each night one of our team would lead us in a time of devotion. Carl (Broadhurst) said during devotion, "God is at work, and we are called to work where God is at work." Including the Morgan children in this time, he reminded them that God had called their parents but they, too, were serving. A little worn and weary from the day's work, we find joy in knowing we are working where God is at work!

Rollers and brushes and ladders take action. Renovations requiring caulking and wiring, floors that need sweeping and vacuuming find willing hands. Pressure washing refreshes surfaces. Hammers and saws and nails repair. All the tasks may seem to be the main reason for this trip. Yes, they are purposeful, but seeing God revealed through the work, through the relationships becomes the greatest outcome.

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