“And when [the shepherds] had seen [the
they made know the statement which had
wondered at the things which were told
them by
the shepherds.” Luke 2:17-18
From generation to
generation, from the secular to the sacred, traditions find their way into our
families, even our hearts. From pagan Yuletide songs to Advent chants,
Christmas music leads the way. Tradition, the Latin tradere, literally means ‘to hand over’ or ‘holding on to a
previous time.’ Certainly in centuries past, the traditions of retelling the
stories provide insights into history and cultures. Before the written
Scriptures, people would keep telling the stories to every generation,
remembering all God’s goodness and faithfulness. Today, lighting the Advent
candles retell the familiar Christmas story with hope and peace and joy and
love. Tradition.
What are your Christmas traditions? Perhaps decorating the
Christmas tree with memories, setting up the Nativity, preparing well-loved
recipes, lighting the Advent candles, or attending Christmas programs come to
mind. Some celebrate on Christmas Eve while some wait until Christmas morning
to open presents. My daddy always made ambrosia every Christmas Eve. I never
liked to eat it but I do remember the joy he seemed to get from cutting the
oranges and mixing the cherries and coconut together. Since 1979, our family has
made special Christmas cookies, a favorite tradition!
Traditions can change over time, replaced or revised for another
time, a new beginning. While it’s often hard to let go of our most cherished customs,
we continue keeping traditions. These special moments build foundations for our
future generations. Even if our celebrations look different, we will remember seeing the outside lights flooding
the trees, smelling fresh cut Fraser Fir Christmas trees, eating decorated cookies
and marinated shrimp, loving Christmas Eve Open House after church, and feeling
Christmas morning joy. Over time, we may gather in different places, coming and
going as life demands, but we will always unwrap laughter and treasure time together,
as we celebrate Christ! A Hallmark quote from the season echoes, “Traditions
are the stories that families write together.” We must keep writing those
stories because they will remember
the joy! dho
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