
Sunday, December 15, 2024

Third Sunday of Advent 2024 - Joy of Wonder

One ordinary afternoon, as I approach the school playground, she turns and sees me. Wearing a big smile, she begins to run towards me, bounding with the simple joy a four year old finds in the moment. Nearing the sidewalk where I wait, she stops suddenly, bends down, and picks a yellow dandelion. Beyond excited with her unexpected find, she stands and runs to greet me. “I picked this just for you,” she says with such innocent delight, as if that weed is a yellow, thornless Gold Medal rose. “Thank you,” I reply as I kneel down to give her a long hug. “Isn’t it beautiful,” she says admiring it with eyes full of wonder and possibility. On that playground, in that moment, a yellow dandelion transforms into a remarkable gift of great joy. In this unanticipated joy, my heart is forever marked by the simplicity of a child’s hope and love and peace.

A baby enters a world full of chaos as love tenderly welcomes; a new day, a new way is born.
Likely noble and influential but certainly Gentile, Magi travel from the East, following a star with great joy, searching for the Messiah, and bringing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, treasures for a King, a Priest, a Savior. When they find Him, they fall to the ground and worship Him. No one knows if these gift-bearers are philosophers, astrologers or perhaps even kings or how far or long they have traveled. These seeking Magi are filled with wonder as they repeat the prophecy of old, only to discover a remarkable gift of great Joy. This holy child will become known as the Messiah, 
a name spoken by prophets, a Baby announced by angels, the Son affirmed by God, a Teacher nourished by the Spirit, a Savior crucified by sin, a Redeemer resurrected by Grace, a King returning by Promise. Humanity is forever marked by the joy of Eternal Hope, the joy of Perfect Love, the joy of Everlasting Peace. -dho

Oh, the wonder of it all… just to think that God loves me. [George Beverly Shea]

*Scripture: Matthew 2:1-13


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