
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Preparing for Easter ~ Life, A Choice

Either God is right or the world is right. It cannot be both. . . Christianity is not merely a change in outward actions of a bit higher moral or ethical level. Christianity is a revolutionary change of government that results in a radical change in behavior.

Ray Stedman from The Power of His Presence

God presents the truth, then gives us a choice ~ Him or the world. Our choice of Christ goes beyond a verbal confession. After our words, our behavior defines us. As we seek a deeper relationship with God, our lives will evidence our testimony that we choose life!

Read 1 John 5:11-12

This is the testimony in essence: God gave us eternal life; the life is in His Son. So, whoever has the Son, has life; whoever rejects the Son, rejects life. The Message

Consider this!
  • When I survey my behavior, does it more often reflect the world or Christ?
  • Describe worldly behavior.
  • What is my testimony?
God ~ Goodness and Grace are offered to me! Every day I am surrounded by the world but embraced by You. I choose Christ! I choose Life! As You draw near to me, I find a peace the world will never give. Amen. ~dho
All rights reserved ~ used with permission of the author
Copyright 2009 by Donna Oswalt                                                                    

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Preparing for Easter ~ God's Testimony

God is love. His whole nature and perfection is love . . . Christ is the Son of God's love, the bearer, the  revealer, the communicator of that love. . . The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of love. . . Full salvation is perfect love. 

Andrew Murray from The True Vine (pg. 115)

In this world we rely on the testimony of witnesses when seeking to discover the truth. Courts and judges listen intently to these accounts. The Bible also provides us with a record of holy testimony regarding Jesus.

Read 1 John 5:6-10

And all the while the Spirit is confirming the truth, the reality of God's presence at Jesus' baptism and crucifixion, bringing those occasions alive for us. A triple testimony: the Spirit, the Baptism, the Crucifixion. And all three are in perfect agreement.
1 John 5:6-8 The Message

Christ is declared the Beloved Son of God, confirmed by the Spirit. God's testimony is further evidenced by Christ's crucifixion and resurrection. This is Perfect Love offered as full salvation ~ for each of us.

Consider this!
  • Read Galatians 4:3-7.
  • What does "slaves to the spiritual powers" mean?
  • What defines us as "His child"?
  • What does my testimony say about Christ?
Father, Son and Holy Spirit ~ Guard my heart from the powers of the world that pursue me. Forgive me when my actions do not bear witness to the holiness of Christ. Thank You for full salvation. Amen. ~ dho
All rights reserved ~ used with permission of the author
Copyright 2009 by Donna Oswalt                                                                                                                                                              

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Preparing for Easter ~ Victory Through Jesus

Though the devil would have us believe he is invincible, his cause has already been doomed by the cross.

Ray Stedman from Spiritual Warfare (pg.50)

There are those who do not believe in "evil" or "the devil" or "Satan" even though the Bible speaks of it many times. There are those who do not believe that Jesus came to earth ~ fully human and fully God. There are those who do not believe Jesus is the Messiah foretold in the Old Testament Scriptures. Does what we believe about Jesus really matter?

Read 1 John 5:4-5

And the ones who win this battle against the world are the ones who believe that Jesus is the Son of God. 1 John 5:5 NLT

Christ died on the cross for every one's sins ~ all our acts of disobedience nailed Him there. Christ redeems all who believe ~through His resurrection from the dead three days after the crucifixion; Grace embraces us. Satan and his spirit-followers would have you discount this, even though it is recorded in the Holy Scriptures. Only Perfect Love can offer Grace to us. The specifics about Jesus do matter. They carry an eternal significance!

Consider this!
  • Using any translation of the Bible, find at least 3 references to evil
  • Find at least 3 passages in the Scriptures that reference "trust"
  • Is Jesus Christ ~ the Messiah ~ the Son of God ~ the Living Word?
Lord ~ I see evil in the world around me and experience the drama of evil in my life. Satan only offers disorder and chaos and destruction. Jesus, You give my soul peace that I cannot explain. You offer what the world cannot ~ eternal life. I am trusting You to lead me through the darkness into the light along this earthly journey. Amen. ~dho
All rights reserved ~ used with permission of the author
Copyright 2009 by Donna Oswalt                                                                                                                                                              

Monday, March 28, 2011

Preparing for Easter ~ Disobedience

The obedience that keeps His commandments becomes the outward expression of our love for God.

 Andrew Murray from A Life of Obedience

Disobedience started all our problems. In the Garden, God created everything that any of us could ever need. All He asked was that we obey one thing ~ not to eat from the Tree of Life. One person's disobedience ended the completeness of Eden.

Read 1 John 5:1-3
Loving God means keeping His commandments . . . 1 John 5:3 NLT
"Christ overcame disobedience and gives us the power to replace ours with His obedience." (Murray, Life of Obedience pg.25) Believers are to strive for a life of true obedience to God, but because of Adam's disobedience human kind struggles with sin. Christ's obedience to the Father's will, His obedience to the Cross, becomes our path to righteousness. This is the way God loves.

Consider this!

  • Who is Jesus Christ?
  • What is the root of sin?
  • Can you show love to others without obedience to Christ?
Father ~ I know that without You sin rules. Obedience is a choice that I can make because Christ was obedient to the cross. I desire to be obedient to Your will for me. Amen. ~ dho
All rights reserved ~ used with permission of the author
Copyright 2009 by Donna Oswalt                                                                                                           

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Preparing for Easter ~ Fruitful Living

3rd Sunday in Lent

The fruit of righteousness is that fruit that is exercised in us by the Holy Spirit.
R.C. Sproul from The Holiness of God

Without God, we do not have faith; we cannot love. God IS love, and because He loves us, we can know love. Christians are to demonstrate the fruit of His love to others. When we call ourselves His children but do not love, we deceive each other. 

Read 1 John 4:19-21

We love because He first loved us . . . Whoever loves God must also love his brother. 1 John 4:19,21 NIV

The commentary in the Student Bible says John "uses the word love 35 times" in this letter. His themes are "simple themes - light, truth, life, love" and "[i]n every case, he shows God as the source of power in the Christian life." When we justify our broken relationships ~ our selfishness, our self-reliance, our self-righteousness ~ we are attempting to be our own source of power. Every time, we will fail. Our lives can only be fruitful because the Holy Spirit dwells in us. This is the evidence of righteousness. This is holiness. This is the Living Word evidenced through us. This is the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control
 (Galatians 5:22-23). 

Consider this!
  • Can the law make us love?
  • What fruits of the Spirit are missing from my life?
Love Most High ~ Such generous Love and Mercy flows from You. You are the Source of goodness and grace, love and power, life and death. In You I can find all things good. You are Holy and Righteous. Teach me how to grow my life more like yours. Amen. ~dho
All rights reserved ~ used with permission of the author
Copyright 2009 by Donna Oswalt                                                                                                

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Preparing for Easter ~ Fearless Love


What Jesus do you serve? Todd Agnew

In Agnew's song, he asks us What Jesus do you serve? Do we serve the Jesus of the stained glass church or the One that walks among the broken? It's a good question. More often than not, most of us find our comfort zone of service safe within the walls of the church. Jesus, however, almost always was found outside the Temple, among the sick, the needing ones.

Read 1 John 4:17-18

. . . in this world we are like Him. There is no fear in love. . . 1 John 4:17-18 NIV

Christians are called to step out into the world, to be the Christ-light for others. We are called to stand among the broken, be as Christ to others. We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus, be a witness for Christ to the lost. Yes, there are hurting, wounded and lost people within the walls of the church; however, the Sprit leads us outside to spread His Light and Love to many more. Many times it is fear that holds us back, gives us pause. These verses tell us that God's Love gives us confidence on the Day of Judgment. Have you demonstrated that confidence to anyone lately? Have you offered the same Assurance to someone broken?

Consider this!
  • What does "love is made complete" mean?
  • When is this "day of judgment"?
  • Does your "fear" clash with "perfect love"?
Jesus ~ You are the Lover of my soul. When the time comes that I stand before you face-to-face, I will find amazing grace. In these days before that time, my heart searches for new ways to reach out ~ in the name of Jesus ~ the way You love. Amen. ~ dho
All rights reserved ~ used with permission of the author
Copyright 2009 by Donna Oswalt