[God...made a lasting mark through the sacrifice of Jesus. Hebrews 13:20 MSG
During this season of reflection
and renewal, join me, and let's explore the visible evidence that identifies us
as faithful followers of Jesus. Can others see Jesus in our lives? ~ Donna Oswalt]
God is faithful, by whom you were called into
the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. 1 Corinthians 1:9
desires a relationship with us, and through faith and the Spirit, we come to
understand that Christ is our only grace, our only forgiveness of sin, our
entrance into everlasting life. As this relationship grows with Christ, so grows our
involvement with other believers. While the diversity of Christians is
great, our unity with Christ and each other is based on common ground; this
commonality is Jesus. His attributes must become ours as we find fellowship
with each other. In Philippians chapter 2, Paul gives us examples of fellowship
within the body of believers: love one another, work together with one heart
and one purpose, don’t be selfish, be humble, be interested in others. These
are the marks of fellowship within the church.
also wants us to have fellowship with Him. When we spend time with Him in
prayer and study His word, we begin to hear His voice more clearly. If we have
a relationship with Christ, then we should desire to be in His presence. Can
you have a relationship with Christ but not have fellowship? Ray Stedman says
that while our relationship with Christ “puts us into the family of God,” it is
fellowship that engages this relationship and lets the light of Christ come
through us. Stedman says, “This is what marks the difference between
Christians. Fellowship is the key to vital Christianity.”*
- Am I having fellowship with Christ?
- Do I bear the marks of fellowship with Christ in my relationships with others?
Lord, hear my prayer: May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship
of the Holy Spirit dwell within me! ~ dho (2 Corinthians 13:14)
Power of His Presence, by Ray Stedman
All rights
reserved ~ used with permission of the author
Copyright 2013
by Donna Oswalt/Co-Founder of Mangrove Ministries/Christian blogger and author
For more
information about this ministry visit ~
“May you be
blessed by the Lord Who loves you best!”