
Thursday, April 18, 2013

HOPE Is Ever-Present!

"Again I saw that under the sun the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the intelligent, nor favor to those with knowledge, but time and chance happen to them all. For man does  not know his time. Like fish that are taken in an evil net, and like birds that are caught in a snare, so the children of man are snared at an evil time, when it suddenly falls upon them." Ecclesiastes 9:11-12

Spring is my favorite season! Just as the earth begins to dance after a long, dormant winter season, so my soul smiles with these new beginnings. For about a week now, I have been in the Sandhills of North Carolina, dogwood country! I LOVE dogwood blossoms, and the dogwoods are dressed in their finest this time of year. Dogwoods are everywhere; some old, some wild, some maturing, some beginning, some struggling, some flourishing, reminding me of the many journeys in life, reminding me of the HOPE in new beginnings.

Like many of you, my week is marked with the violence at the Boston Marathon. While many of us know people who were present at the race and most of us know people who are safe and not hurt, the whole world feels the tragic loss of the few who died, and weeps for the life-changing injuries suffered by those present. We describe our reactions with words like angry, sad, shocked, frustrated, confused, overwhelmed, and when we get good news, with thankfulness and relief. With each new act of senseless violence, there is another fresh underlying threat woven into the fabric of our lives. We cannot help but examine our emotions of vulnerability.

In Ecclesiastes, we find the wisdom of King Solomon which shakes up our comfort zones, opens up our gates of protection. Bad things happen and happen to all people and happen suddenly without warning. We do not like the injustice of these truths. Words fail us. Grief captures us. Reality consumes us. When our security is threatened, the truth of our frailty reveals itself. We desperately long for a HOPE that is ever-present!  

The last verse in Ecclesiastes (12:14) says this: "Eventually God will bring everything that we do out into the open and judge it according to its hidden intent, whether it's good or evil." Unfortunately, the vulnerabilities in life enter into our lives daily while on this earth. Our HOPE is always in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, the redemption of Jesus Christ and the Sovereignty of God. These NEVER change, not with situations, not with seasons. His Presence must be our Comfort zone, our Gate of protection. HOPE is ever-present! Where are you looking for HOPE? ~dho

Tuesday, April 09, 2013


"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to Me. 
Get away with Me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how 
to take a real rest. Walk with Me and work with Me - watch how I do it. 
Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or 
ill-fitting on you. Keep company with Me and you'll 
learn to live freely and lightly."
Matthew 11:28-30 The Message

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Preparing for Easter ~ Mark of Jesus - I AM the Resurrection and the Life

[God...made a lasting mark through the sacrifice of JesusHebrews 13:20 MSG
During this season of reflection and renewal, join me, and let's explore the visible evidence that identifies us as faithful followers of Jesus. Can others see Jesus in our lives? 
Thank you for the opportunity to share the Extravagant Love of God with you during this Easter Season. For more devotionals throughout the year, see my blog:  Donna Oswalt, Mangrove Ministries ]


Jesus said: “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in Me, even though they die like everyone else, will live again. They are given eternal life for believing in Me and will never perish. John 11:25-26 NLT

Easter Sunday is full of joy, praise and hallelujahs that celebrate once again Extravagant Love! His love not only precedes us, it exceeds us. Resurrection marks the transition between life and overcoming death. His resurrection bears the marks of His Passion for mankind. This Everlasting Grace conquers the spiritual death. With certainty we find our Blessed Assurance even in the darkest times. The resurrection of Jesus restores life, offers new life to all, and gives enduring peace. Holy, Holy, Holy; Holy is the LORD. Christ is risen. Christ is risen indeed. 

  • Celebrate the resurrection; consider Extravagant Love
  • Share the resurrection; offer Christ to another.

Holy One, such love wraps my life with assurance of life, and Grace weaves my life into Your community of believers. Mark me as Yours; restore my soul. Hallelujah to the Love Most High! - dho

All rights reserved ~ used with permission of the author
Copyright 2013 by Donna Oswalt/Co-Founder of Mangrove Ministries/Christian blogger and author
Breathing Room For My Soul (blog) Follow on Twitter @soulchat

For more information about this ministry visit ~
“May you be blessed by the Lord Who loves you best!”

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Preparing for Easter ~ Mark of Christians

[God...made a lasting mark through the sacrifice of JesusHebrews 13:20 MSG
During this season of reflection and renewal, join me, and let's explore the visible evidence that identifies us as faithful followers of Jesus. Can others see Jesus in our lives? ~ Donna Oswalt]

Jesus came and told His disciple, “I have been given complete authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Matthew 28:19-20 NLT

A.W. Tozer: People who are crucified with Christ have three distinct marks: they face only one direction, they never turn back, and they no longer have plans of their own. Those who profess their faith in Christ become part of His church. To be part of Christ’s church is to become the heart and hands of Jesus. Not only in thought but in words, not only in words but in deeds, we are to be Christ to others. Before returning to the Father, the last words Christ offers His disciples is to go and make disciples and  teach these new disciples. As followers Christ, we are to focus on Christ, be persistent and intentional, and choose God’s plan. Which way are you going? 
  • Will you put down your agenda and follow God’s plans?
  •  Re-read the Scripture. Find Christ’s promise.

Jesus, You come to each of us, find us exactly where we wait. I want to turn my eyes toward You, let my heart be open to the needs You see. Fill my mouth with Your Words. Let my life be marked for You. Thank You, for always being with me. – dho

All rights reserved ~ used with permission of the author
Copyright 2013 by Donna Oswalt/Co-Founder of Mangrove Ministries/Christian blogger and author
Breathing Room For My Soul (blog) Follow on Twitter @soulchat

For more information about this ministry visit ~
“May you be blessed by the Lord Who loves you best!”

Friday, March 29, 2013

Preparing for Easter ~ Mark of Transition

[God...made a lasting mark through the sacrifice of JesusHebrews 13:20 MSG
During this season of reflection and renewal, join me, and let's explore the visible evidence that identifies us as faithful followers of Jesus. Can others see Jesus in our lives? ~ Donna Oswalt]

Good Friday

And they all continued in amazement and great complexity, saying to one another, "What does this mean?" Acts 2:1-13 NASB

These first verses of Acts 2 describe the beginning of Pentecost. This is the day God sends the Holy Spirit. The disciples are filled with the Holy Spirit and begin to speak in other languages. Symbolically, the languages confirmed that God's children would come from all nations. This marked the transition from Jesus' earthly ministry to the beginning of the church. All people can come into the Kingdom of God.

Weeks earlier, we find Christ arrested, beaten, and crucified. His death confuses those who had followed Him. Most all of them desert Jesus; fear rules. Believing that Jesus would become an earthly king; confusion and chaos take control. The cross, too, is a time of transition, a time of uncertainty. Who is this Jesus anyway?

Today, we often let fear rule; confusion and chaos disrupt. We live in uncertain times. Our mark of transition is when we choose to live for Jesus. This spiritual transition is just the beginning of the everlasting life that comes only through Jesus. Choose Life!
  • Can you mark your transition from lost to redeemed through Christ? 
  • If you Choose Life, will you share this Everlasting Life with someone else?

Jesus, the cross gives me the opportunity to change, to make a commitment to serving You. In silence I consider the cost of my soul. The cross always wears the mark of transition from death to life. I choose Life! – dho

All rights reserved ~ used with permission of the author
Copyright 2013 by Donna Oswalt/Co-Founder of Mangrove Ministries/Christian blogger and author
Breathing Room For My Soul (blog) Follow on Twitter @soulchat

For more information about this ministry visit ~
“May you be blessed by the Lord Who loves you best!”

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Preparing for Easter ~ Mark of the Nails

[God...made a lasting mark through the sacrifice of JesusHebrews 13:20 MSG
During this season of reflection and renewal, join me, and let's explore the visible evidence that identifies us as faithful followers of Jesus. Can others see Jesus in our lives? ~ Donna Oswalt]

Maundy Thursday

But Thomas (who was called the Twin ), one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe.”

From fellowship to betrayal, so goes this day over 2,000 years ago. Christ knows His path, but the disciples do not understand. Now, over 2,000 years later, Christians can recount the story and explain its meaning because we have the Holy Spirit to lead us and teach us about God's word; yet, if we are honest, we struggle with understanding how God could love us so much.

Isaiah 49:16 God said, "Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of My hands." God makes is clear that He will not forsake us, that His compassion and mercy will be with His children. This is the mark God bears. Jesus wears the mark of the nails, signifying His unfailing, unconditional love for His own. He has us engraved on the palms of His hands. Jesus bears the marks of total surrender, wounded and pierced for the sins of all people.
  • Write down words to describe the Divine Love. 
  • Do you believe God really, really loves you? Believe it!
Love Most High, this unconditional love You give to me is more than I can understand. Just knowing that Your hands are engraved with Divine Love for everyone makes me fall to my knees. I do believe! - dho

All rights reserved ~ used with permission of the author
Copyright 2013 by Donna Oswalt/Co-Founder of Mangrove Ministries/Christian blogger and author
Breathing Room For My Soul (blog) Follow on Twitter @soulchat

For more information about this ministry visit ~
“May you be blessed by the Lord Who loves you best!”