For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility... In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit. Ephesians 2:14,22
Advent offers us time to refocus on the promise, birth, redemption, and return of Christ. The Christmas season brings lights and gifts, love and joy; it retells the stories of prophets and angels, shepherds and magi, Mary and Jesus. All the wonders of Christmas open our imaginations to promises and possibilities. From before time until time to come, God embraces us with hope.
“...When peace shall over all the earth
It’s ancient splendors fling,
And the whole world sends back the song
Which now the angels sing.”**
“Peace on earth” is God’s promise of Everlasting Peace which is still to come. Anticipation of the second Advent of Christ becomes our eternal hope. For now, each of us are called to embrace the peace offered by the Author of peace, the Prince of Peace. May Christ’s peace be the ornament that decorates our hearts at Christmas and throughout the coming year. Let us sing the angels’ message, “Peace on earth, good will to men.” -dho
** lyrics from It Came Upon A Midnight Clear by Edmund Sears, 1849
Advent offers us time to refocus on the promise, birth, redemption, and return of Christ. The Christmas season brings lights and gifts, love and joy; it retells the stories of prophets and angels, shepherds and magi, Mary and Jesus. All the wonders of Christmas open our imaginations to promises and possibilities. From before time until time to come, God embraces us with hope.
“...When peace shall over all the earth
It’s ancient splendors fling,
And the whole world sends back the song
Which now the angels sing.”**
“Peace on earth” is God’s promise of Everlasting Peace which is still to come. Anticipation of the second Advent of Christ becomes our eternal hope. For now, each of us are called to embrace the peace offered by the Author of peace, the Prince of Peace. May Christ’s peace be the ornament that decorates our hearts at Christmas and throughout the coming year. Let us sing the angels’ message, “Peace on earth, good will to men.” -dho
** lyrics from It Came Upon A Midnight Clear by Edmund Sears, 1849