The LORD will give glorious grace;
No good thing will He withhold
From those who walk uprightly. Psalm 84:11
Taccoa, GA ~ by Allison Oswalt |
Grace falls like gentle rain, steady and sure, pours over me like rivers of light, faithful and full, floods my heart, spilling over and rushing free. I cannot capture or explain or contain such generous offerings. Yet, every day, I simply find more Grace lavished upon my soul. Gentle Shepherd, Faithful Father, Holy Spirit - You come to me with unmeasured love that is undeserved, and You show me unmerited favor.
My praise whispers Thank You, sincere and simple, shouts Hallelujah and Amen, grateful and rich, overflows "To God be the Glory, great things He has Done". I cannot adequately celebrate or applaud or adore Your Magnificent Power. Yet, every day, You graciously accept meager gratitude scattered throughout my gestures. Everlasting Light, Holy Father, Spirit of the Living God - I come to You with imperfect words that are unworthy, and, still, I find more offerings of Extravagant Grace.
God's glorious grace and my inferior offerings merge with stark contrast. God continually accepts my frail, feeble attempts to praise and worship as He lavishes me with everlasting Grace. Perfect Love chooses me! Splendid shield, I rest in wordless wonder of such glorious grace ~dho