
Saturday, September 28, 2024

Transformed by Love

You’ll never understand the mystery at work in all that God does! 

any times the mystery of God seems to shout to us! The unexpected, unpredicted, and unwarranted experiences of life appear out of nowhere, and we are afraid. Events often baffle theologians and scientists alike. These unforeseen circumstances of living in a fallen world, these very things God allows into our lives can be used to accomplish God’s Divine purposes. We search for reasons and answers; we demand resolution. Still, these big and small mysteries remain. The one certain truth that will always prevail: God is in control, not chance!

God’s holy mystery permeates the Bible stories we share. Full of prophecy and promise, there are those who encounter the unexpected. Fathers of our faith, prophets, disciples, and ordinary people are changed when they encounter the Living God. As they embrace the unimaginable, each one becomes a part of God’s Divine Plan; each life is transformed by God’s unchanging love!

What conquers fear? “Perfect Love casts out fear.” With Perfect Love and our obedience to live by faith while trusting the Presence of God, our lives can be transformed, each of us entering a part of God’s everlasting story. Oscar Romero, Salvadoran archbishop and martyr, writes that God loves us with gifts we thought we didn’t need, which transform us into people we don’t necessarily want to be. How often our fear and rebellion hold us captive! As we begin our study of Ecclesiastes, embrace the unexpected and be transformed by Perfect Love. You’ll never understand the mystery in all that God does!   ~dho

Friday, September 20, 2024

Purpose in Every Season

 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. Ecclesiastes 3:1

"How will we know when to act, when to wait? How will we know when it is our time to lead rather than our time to follow? Discernment calls us to spiritual understanding but also to action." Henri Nouwen
What does discernment mean and how do I apply it to my faith journey? Some of the very questions Nouwen identified above calls me to explore discernment. How do I know when to wait? How do I wait? When is waiting just avoiding action? When does following become the easy answer? What if stepping out in action is not God's purpose for this season of life? How can the soul discern God's purpose anyway? The answers are myriad. Perhaps somewhat of a paradox, the path of discernment can be both clouded by uncertainty and fueled by possibility.

In the weeks to come, I will be leading a Women’s Bible Study at my church on the book of Ecclesiastes. Among other references, we will be using Life Under the Sun by Hannah Anderson (Lifeway). This study can help us examine where we are in the process of finding God's purpose for whatever season of living. Of all the unknowns, this truth remains: God has a plan, a specific plan for every person. God desires us to know His plan for our lives and gives us not only the insight to find the purpose but also equips for the chosen task. Proverbs 16:9 reminds us, "The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps." God will reveal the best plan for our lives, the best purpose for our energies, while we frequently settle for the better way. Let's seek His purpose in this season, whatever that may individually mean. As I share some insights in the weeks to come, hope you follow along! ~dho

Friday, September 13, 2024

Remnant of Love

September 13, 1974 our family buried my grandmother, 50 years ago today! I have to share this post again! And yes, the laughter was louder! - Donna

Every autumn, every year, my heart remembers a time of personal and spiritual growth. After a brain tumor surgery, my grandmother retains her abilities to comprehend situations, but can no longer verbally express herself. Recalling the summer of 1974 finds me thankful for these last months of sharing, both through tears and gestures, but always laughter was louder. 

Reflections of my paternal grandmother's last stage of living always bring to mind an unusual demonstration of friendship. Her friend remains faceless to me. She's just a name that I heard from time to time over the years. And, just as mysteriously, for nearly 5 months, a red rose arrived each day.



A Remnant of Love

Once long, long ago, who knows just when,
            Greetings were exchanged.
Neighbors for a while, some say, these two
            Strangers became friends.
Conversations of yester-year gone
            And unrecorded,
How I wish I could go back in time
            To find the secret
Of such enduring friendship, a gift
            Of the heart for life . . . 

Sunny skies and death, together, cast down
            Shadows on my soul.
Precious as gold, time seemed all too short;
            She would soon be gone.
Silent tears of helplessness inside;
            Laughter was louder.
Old stories retold became treasures,
            Priceless memories.

Although miles and miles apart, friendship 
            Did not notice, and
Always, a token of remembrance
            Was placed by her side.
Gentle reminder, gesture of love,
            Each day one red rose.
Only once did she speak to me of 
            Death, my constant thought.
Relentless, calloused foe of mortal
            Life claimed her spirit . . .

Her body lay empty beneath a 
            Blanket of roses.
I stood beside her grave in sorrow
            For my loss; I wept.
I remember taking one red rose,
            A final farewell.
For me it was a symbol of her
            Friend’s tender heart,
Of such enduring friendship, a gift,
            A remnant of love.

Although more than a decade has passed,
             I still think of her.
Those priceless memories come to mind
            As if time stood still.
Each year when autumn breezes whisper,
            Tears seek revival.
Beneath the sadness I remember
            Laughter was louder.

And my heart is blessed as I recall
            Her final months, when
Always, a token of remembrance
            Was placed by her side.
Gentle reminder, gesture of love, 
            Each day one red rose.
How I wish I could go back in time
            To find the secret
Of their enduring friendship, a gift 
Of the heart for life.
(written 1987, Donna Oswalt)

I wrote this poem more than a decade after her death, words eluding my emotions until then. And still, when I think of such friendship, the best definition I can think of is "each day one red rose." What an amazing heart-gift! What a demonstration of love and loyalty! The Life Application Study Bible says, "The greatest evidence of genuine friendship is loyalty." Over nearly four decades later, I have learned this kind of friendship is extremely rare.

God never asks us to do something without having demonstrated it Himself. Jesus tells us to love one another and demonstrates this rare kind of love with His life, death and resurrection. By definition loyalty manifests itself by devotion, honesty, sincerity and support.God models His loyalty to us though His constancy, incorruptibility, steadfastness, and truth. Genuine relationships understand the value of sharing life events; to remember the beginnings, to treasure the laughter, to honor the celebrations, to bear the disappointments, to endure the ordinary, and to love through the endings. God promises to love forever! 

Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. (1 Corinthians 13:7 NLTGod's love is much more than a token of remembrance or a gesture of love. Christ's unmatched sacrifice becomes God's matchless grace. This holy gift of enduring friendship redefines loyalty's unfailing love as Perfect Love. I have learned this friendship is the rarest of all! ~ dho

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Just Breathe!

After writing this blog for many years, I did something different this summer… nothing! I decided to take the summer off from blogging, a rest, a refresh! The change has been good for me, no concerns and reminders to post, time to reflect without words, breathing room for my soul. Sometimes, just breathing is what the soul needs! Enjoy this new season!!  

[God] is waiting to explode our smallness and put us in places of which we have only dreamed. . . Do not settle for smallness, . . . God is waiting to take you into places and open you up to opportunities that exist only in your wildest dreams. Dennis Kinlaw, This Day with the Master

Kinlaw goes on to point out that these opportunities do not come from our own making, rather "you must let [God] give you the opportunities and move you into new places." Why is it that we complain about the smallness of our lives, the smallness of the moments? When does our complacency allow us to be content with our smallness? How often do we go in search of new places and opportunities by ourselves? Do we seek God's will for our moments or charge ahead, desperate to create our own? 

These are questions that wrestle with my mind and will. The many possibilities can create conflict for me, and other times, the waiting stagnates my willingness. If these words are true, that God desires to put [me] in places of which [I] have only dreamed, dare I not wait with Him? Likewise, if I must let God provide the opportunities and move me to these new places, dare I not trust His leading?  I must trust Him absolutely! ~dho

God, the One and Only - I'll wait as long as He says.
Everything I need comes from Him,
He's solid rock under my feet,
breathing room for my soul.
. . . So trust Him absolutely.
Psalm 62:1-2,8 The Message

Thursday, May 02, 2024

Place and Purpose

The place where God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet.  Fredrick Buechner

We search the world for meaning, for purpose, for reasons. When the world does not offer wanted answers, we wonder if God has forgotten us. If we pray to God for meaning, for purpose, for reasons, and He does not respond as we expect, we doubt that God is listening. We crave more and more of the world's tokens, collecting the trophies of greed and pride; yet, we are empty. And still, God calls to us and seeks us ~ wherever we are. God has designed a purpose for each of us ~ a place to serve. God abides with us ~ in all times. Perhaps it is we who have forgotten; it is we who are not listening.

What kind of God lets us confess what He already knows? What kind of God listens to our petitions when He knows we will fail again? What kind of God forgives our mistakes just because we ask? What kind of God loves more than enough? What kind of God calls us Beloved? Mercy comes quietly and whispers with tender words ~ My Beloved, you are Mine. You are forgiven. I will never let you go. Now, let's be about My purpose. There's a harvest waiting. I love you. Baruch Hashem Adonai! Blessed be the name of the Lord! What peace! Amen. ~ dho

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Empty Hands

God always pours His grace into empty hands. ~St. Augustine

I sometimes find my hands too full, holding all the moments that charm me, claim me, constrain me, conceal me. Sometimes I hold to them in fear that I will lose them or not find them again. Then, sometimes I hold to them in joy for the same reasons. Either way, I hold to them tightly, hands full! Only when I lay them at the altar, in confession or celebration, can I open my hands to the Holy Father. The vivid imagery that comes to my mind is kneeling with my hands empty, palms up, and knowing His grace falls gently to me.  

Holy Father, may we know Your Glory in our every moment. ~ dho